QNetworkRequest::CookieSaveControlAttribute This attribute is set to false by Qt WebKit when creating a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest where withCredentials has not been set explicitly to true by the Javascript that created the request. Requests only, type: QMetaType::Int (default: QNetworkRequest::Automatic) Indicates whether to send 'Cookie' headers in the request. QNetworkRequest::CookieLoadControlAttribute This verb is set when calling QNetworkAccessManager::sendCustomRequest(). Requests only, type: QMetaType::QByteArray Holds the value for the custom HTTP verb to send (destined for usage of other verbs than GET, POST, PUT and DELETE). Replies only, type: QMetaType::Bool Indicates whether the HTTP pipelining was used for receiving this reply. QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningWasUsedAttribute
Requests only, type: QMetaType::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the QNetworkAccessManager code is allowed to use HTTP pipelining with this request. QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute When using this flag with sequential upload data, the ContentLengthHeader header must be set.

Requests only, type: QMetaType::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the QNetworkAccessManager code is allowed to buffer the upload data, e.g. QNetworkRequest::DoNotBufferUploadDataAttribute Replies only, type: QMetaType::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the data was obtained from cache or not.

QNetworkRequest::SourceIsFromCacheAttribute If true, data may be cached, provided it is cacheable (what is cacheable depends on the protocol being used). If the value is false, the data obtained will not be automatically cached. Requests only, type: QMetaType::Bool (default: true) Controls if the data obtained should be saved to cache for future uses. QNetworkRequest::CacheSaveControlAttribute However, this attribute may be used by certain backends to modify their requests (for example, for caching proxies). Note that the default QNetworkAccessManager implementation does not support caching. The possible values are those of QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl. Requests only, type: QMetaType::Int (default: QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) Controls how the cache should be accessed. QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute Replies only, type: QMetaType::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the data was obtained through an encrypted (secure) connection. Use QUrl::resolved() to create an absolute URL out of it. Additionally, if QNetworkRequest::UserVerifiedRedirectPolicy is used, then this attribute will be set if the redirect was not followed. The Network Access API does follow redirections by default, unless QNetworkRequest::ManualRedirectPolicy is used. Replies only, type: QMetaType::QUrl (no default) If present, it indicates that the server is redirecting the request to a different URL. QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute If the connection was not HTTP-based, this attribute will not be present. Replies only, type: QMetaType::QByteArray (no default) Indicates the HTTP reason phrase as received from the HTTP server (like "Ok", "Found", "Not Found", "Access Denied", etc.) This is the human-readable representation of the status code (see above). QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute

Replies only, type: QMetaType::Int (no default) Indicates the HTTP status code received from the HTTP server (like 200, 304, 404, 401, etc.). Operator=(const QNetworkRequest & other) const Operator!=(const QNetworkRequest & other) const SetTransferTimeout(int timeout = DefaultTransferTimeoutConstant) SetSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration & config) SetRawHeader(const QByteArray & headerName, const QByteArray & headerValue) SetPriority(QNetworkRequest::Priority priority) SetPeerVerifyName(const QString & peerName) SetMaximumRedirectsAllowed(int maxRedirectsAllowed) SetHttp2Configuration(const QHttp2Configuration & configuration) SetHttp1Configuration(const QHttp1Configuration & configuration) SetHeader(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders header, const QVariant & value) SetDecompressedSafet圜heckThreshold(qint64 threshold)

SetAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute code, const QVariant & value) RawHeader(const QByteArray & headerName) const Header(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders header) const HasRawHeader(const QByteArray & headerName) const QNetworkRequest(const QNetworkRequest & other)Īttribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute code, const QVariant & defaultValue = QVariant()) const