Site link (fully translated by Google): http: // translate. Don't worry about not finding it, as we've included it here in the revised XML - lets it run around the SMRI side.ĭeveloper: Sid Meier's Railroads !: Intercontinental Dev Team Therefore, please uninstall it before installing SMRI. SMRI will not work if you have a holiday scenario installed using the installer from the Firaxis website. Very important note (revised google translation): Well go and buy a copy, steam is selling cheap.

So in the end, if you already have a copy of the SMR, it would be a crime not to install this mod if you don't own the SMR. How long will it take you to play it all? Well, we reckon that if you only played once each map it took you over 21 hours, these hours of action? No, not really, rather a relaxingly addictive clock in which you forget to check the clock and realize you have to get to work an hour ago. Sid Meier's Railroads: The Intercontinental (here known as SMRIs) has everything you could ask for: tanks, missiles, cars, money and much more, speeds up to 200 kilometers per hour, military bases, horses, cows, cheeses, and elves ! Just like the train, there are many other new goods to carry over twenty new cards.

I posted it on PG, but for some reason the editors did not add it :( Last year I was looking for mods for this game and only found one on. Sid Meiers Railroads! Intercontinental (mod) (Sid Meier's Railroads!)